Dried Whole Shaggy Mane
Coprinus comatus, the Shaggy Mane Mushroom is a choice gourmet edible mushroom, with a rich, earthy flavour beyond compare. Often used to flavour risottos, Shaggy Manes are difficult to bring market and store due to their 'Ink Cap' family membership - within a few hours of harvesting, they start to dissolve into a distasteful, black liquid. Our dried Shaggy Mane fruiting bodies can easily be rehydrated in warm or hot water by soaking for 20-30 minutes, multiplying to roughly ten times their dried weight. In a resealed bag, they have excellent shelf storage-life, providing a convenient way to keep and add their delicious flavour and beneficial nutrients to practically any recipe!
Dehydrated Coprinus comatus, AKA the Shaggy Mane Mushroom
Our premium-quality, fresh produce is non-returnable, but if you are dissatisfied with the quality please contact us to arrange a refund.
Free shipping within the mainland Metro Vancouver region for orders weighing over 2kg