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Moxie's Dragon Leap Year

Gray Francis

Happy Lunar New Year!

The Year of the Dragon, and a leap year, too! Moxie is ready for a leap of its own, this year, with more markets and more mushrooms than ever before.

We're adding King Blue Oyster Mushrooms to our hybrid lineup, a strain produced by Mossy Creek Mushrooms in Tennessee, known for its excellent flavour and consistently meaty texture from pileus to stipe ('cap to stem').

We're also commemorating the Year of the Dragon by adding 'Dragon Oyster Mushrooms' to our product line. This mushroom is a favourite of hobbyists, but to our knowledge is not grown by other commercial cultivators. This rare, unique mushroom grows wild only in the British Isles, smelling and tasting like Tarragon, the 'dragon herb' used widely in creamy sauces, chicken and seafood dishes. We expect you'll find our Dragon Oyster Mushrooms to be an excellent complimentary ingredient or meat substitute in such dishes.

Whenever we think of Dragon Oyster Mushrooms growing wild in mist-laden British woodlands, we can't help but visualise King Arthur Pendragon and his Knights of the Round Table, dragon banners flying over the ramparts of Camelot, boar roasting in a fire pit with a side of these sautéed mushrooms gathered from the forest.

Despite its unassuming, outward appearance (see below for a watercolour rendition), the Dragon Oyster Mushroom is intensely, herbally aromatic and flavourful - perhaps the best tasting of all Oyster Mushroom species? Come to our stall, and judge for yourselves!

Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images A fungus (Agaricus euosmus) growing on wood. Watercolour by R. Baker, 1896. 1896 By: R. BakerPublished: -

Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0

(Image cropped)

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